Perche, region of emigration
to Quebec in the 17th century
Perche, region of emigration to Quebec in the 17th century

Percheron family names in Quebec today


by Jean-François Loiseau
published on December 15, 2023, updated on January 5, 2024

L’Institut de la statistique du Québec published a study in May 2006 entitled Family names in Quebec : Distribution of the 5,000 names in the administrative regions, Quebec (in French only).

An analysis of names by rank reveals a strong presence of Percheron names in the top 100 surnames in Quebec today, including 2 in the top 3. Tremblay is the most common surname in Quebec today, used by approximately 81,500 people[1], all descendants of Pierre Tremblay, the only Tremblay to migrate from France. In the second position, we find another Percheron name, Gagnon, used by 59 800 Quebecois.

The study looked at the names of the 2.5 million parents of the 1.3 million children born in Quebec between 1986 and 2000, list established from statistical birth registration files during this period. After the standardization of names, for example Renauld, Renault and Renaut standardized to Renaud, the corpus includes 150,000 different names.
Percheron family names in Quebec in 2005 tremblay gagnon bouchard cote belanger pelletier gagne fortin boucher girard cloutier fournier baudoin landry langlois mercier paradis dubois lambert gravel giroux bertrand dion giguere leduc trudel goulet drouin turgeon brunet pouliot rivard labbe trottier bisson houde provost godé guimond guilleboust maheu rouleau laporte aubin rocheron huard normand hayot boulay royer beauvais chamboy albert voyer supernant goyer rouillard lehoux creste gaulin letartre roussin lefort jarry aloignon cordeau chandonne toutant maufay huet chauvin dodier lescarbot boissel chastel gaudry gadois garnier delaunay
source Institut de la statistique du Québec and ; infographics

The top 20 surnames of Quebec in 2005

Estimated number of the population with the surname[1]

81 500
59 800
57 000
52 300
40 100
39 500
37 700
34 800
34 000
33 900
33 800
32 900
32 500
31 200
30 200
27 800
27 400
26 900
26 800
25 800

surname coming from a single family of Percheron pioneers (all Quebecois with this surname descend from the same family of Percheron pioneers)
surname of several immigrants from various origins (Perche and other regions)
note  [1]  Estimate made by l'Institut de la statistique du Québec based on proportions calculated in the corpus of 2.5 million names of parents of children born from 1986 to 2000 applied to the population of 7.6 million estimated in January 2005.
source Institut de la statistique du Québec and ; infographics

23 names of Percheron pioneers
in the top 100 surnames of Quebec in 2005

The top 100 surnames of Quebec in 2005 Tremblay Gagnon Bouchard Cote Bélanger Pelletier Gagné Fortin Boucher Girard Cloutier Fournier Baudoin Landry Langlois Mercier Paradis Lambert Gravel Dion Giroux Leduc
source Institut de la statistique du Québec and ; infographics

Estimated number of the population with the surname[1]

81 500
59 800
52 300
40 100
34 000
33 900
32 900
32 500
26 900
25 800
22 500
22 200
19 200
15 700
14 300
14 300
13 900
13 300
13 000
12 400
11 800
11 800
11 500

surname coming from a single family of Percheron pioneers (all Quebecois with this surname descend from the same family of Percheron pioneers)
surname of several immigrants from various origins (Perche and other regions)
note  [1]  Estimate made by l'Institut de la statistique du Québec based on proportions calculated in the corpus of 2.5 million names of parents of children born from 1986 to 2000 applied to the population of 7.6 million estimated in January 2005.
source Institut de la statistique du Québec and ; infographics
The study of l’Institut de la statistique du Québec counts the surnames, all origins combined. For surnames with multiple origins, it is therefore not possible to isolate the part of the population which descends from the Percheron pioneer. For example, no less than 19 pioneers had the surname Pelletier when arriving in Quebec. How many Pelletier in Quebec today are direct descendants of the Percherons Guillaume Pelletier dit le Globoteur (~1598 Bresolette – 1657 Beauport) and Michelle Mabille (1592 Tourouvre – 1665 Quebec)? The study does not answer it.

Rank Name Frequency % Comment
1 Tremblay 1,08 All Quebec Tremblays descend from the pioneer Pierre Tremblay but, contrary to popular belief, this pioneer is not the ancestor of the greatest number of people; he owes his reputation only to the large number of married male descendants. “Pierre Tremblay, who had only 4 married sons, had 143 married great-grandsons with the same names”, specify the authors of the study.
2 Gagnon 0,79 All Quebec Gagnons descend from the pioneer Percheron family originating from Tourouvre and Ventrouze. “The Gagnon family has always ranked among the top three families since the arrival of these ancestors in the country. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, it has always occupied the second place,” indicates the Association of the Gagnon and Belzile families.
4 Côté 0,69 All Côté in Quebec descend from the pioneer Jean Côté. His place of birth is unknown. Some believe he came from Mortagne-au-Perche but no Percheron or Quebec records confirm this hypothesis.
5 Bouchard 0,53 The Bouchards in Quebec descend from eight pioneers of diverse origins. The Percheron is Claude Bouchard known as “Le Petit Claude” (around 1626 Saint-Cosme-de-Vair - 1699 Saint-François-Xavier-de-la-Petite-Rivière).
9 Fortin 0,45 If Julien Fortin is the direct maternal ancestor of Madonna, he is also the direct maternal ancestor of nearly 90% of Fortins in America![2]
10 Gagné 0,45 All Gagné in Quebec descend from the Percheron brothers Louis and Pierre Gagné.
12 Pelletier 0,44 No less than 19 pioneers are at the origin of the Pelletiers of Quebec. The Percheron is Guillaume Pelletier known as the Globoteur, husband of Michelle Mabille.
13 Bélanger 0,43 The Bélangers of Quebec descend from two pioneers: François, the Percheron who left Mortagne-au-Perche in 1634 and Nicolas Bélanger, the Norman from Touques (bishopric of Lisieux).
18 Girard 0,36 More than a dozen pioneers introduced the surname Girard to New France, including the Percheron Pierre who arrived in 1661, hired by the Jesuits.
20 Boucher 0,34 A dozen migrants introduced the surname Boucher to New France. But it is the Percheron Marin, originally from Saint-Langis-lès-Mortagne, from which the Bouchers of Quebec mainly descend. [3]
23 Cloutier 0,30 Although the name Cloutier comes in 23rd position among the first names, with a proportion of 0.30%, Zacharie Cloutier and his wife Xainte Dupont are the French pioneers having the greatest number of descendants today when we do not take into account the name.
26 Fournier 0,29 No less than 41 people with the surname Fournier migrated from France to Quebec from the 17th to the 19th centuries. Of these, 12 have left descendants to this day.[4]. The Percheron Guillaume, the first to arrive in New France, and his wife Françoise Hébert left the most numerous descendants having the surname Fournier in America.
35 Landry 0,25 Three ancestors introduced the name Landry, one in Quebec and two in Acadia: Guillaume Landry, originally from La Ventrouze in Perche, arrived in Quebec in 1655. René Landry known as the Elder was born in France, perhaps in La Chaussé, in the Vienne department around 1618. René Landry known as the Younger was born in a village in western France around 1634, of parents whose names we do not know. The latter two settled in Acadia.[5]
53 Beaudoin 0,21 The Beaudoins (Baudoin / Baudouin) of Quebec descend from 4 pioneers: the Percheron brothers Jean and René who arrived around 1658, the Protestant Jacques from La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) who emigrated in 1664 and Henri from Celles-sur-Belle (Deux -Sèvres) who arrived later in 1769.
61 Dion 0,19 The Dions of Quebec are mostly Guyons! Pronunciation errors have transformed the surname over the centuries. There are three origins of Dion; the oldest and main family is that of the Percheron pioneer Jean Guyon, born in 1592 in Tourouvre and married to Mathurine Robin on June 2, 1615 in Mortagne-au-Perche. The two main other Dion couples who came to New France are:
  • Jacques Dion Guyon (born around 1649 in Marans in Charente-Maritime) and Jeanne Renard Lecointe, married in Quebec on April 26, 1672,
  • Philippe Dion Deslauriers Guyon (born around 1638 in Civray in Vienne) and Suzanne Métayer, married in Quebec on November 13, 1684.
  • 62 Mercier 0,19 At least 17 migrants introduced the name Mercier to New France. Among these, five pioneers have left descendants to this day: Julien Mercier (born in 1621 in Tourouvre in Perche, married with Marie Poulain in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in 1654), Pierre Mercier known as Caudebec (born in 1644 in Barneville-sur-Seine in Eure, married with Andrée Martin in Beaubassin in Acadia in 1679), Pierre Mercier (born in 1653 in Saint-Denis-de-la-Chevasse in Vendée, married with Marguerite Lemain in Neuville in 1685), Pierre-Simon Mercier (born in Paris in 1693, married to Marie-Renée Pineau in Verchères in 1725), Charles Mercier known as Lajoie (born in 1735 in Removille in Lorraine, arrived with the Berry Regiment in Quebec in 1757, married to Marie-Anne Lahaise in Assomption in 1761). [6]
    66 Langlois 0,18 There are nine stem families of Langlois who came to settle in America. The oldest and main family is that of the Percheron pioneer Noël Langlois from Saint-Léonard-des-Parcs.
    72 Dubois 0,18 The Dubois Families Association lists 15 stem families of Dubois. However, the two Percheron pioneers Jean Dubois dit La Fantaisie and Pierre Dubois dit Morel are not part of it; we do not find any trace of Jean Dubois in Quebec registers while the second had only one daughter. [7]
    74 Paradis 0,17 All Paradis in Quebec descend from the Percheron stem family originally from Mortagne-au-Perche, Saint-Germain de Loisé parish.
    83 Gravel 0,16 All Gravels in Quebec descend from Joseph-Massé Gravelle, originally from Perche and arrived in New France in 1641.
    89 Giroux 0,16 The Giroux are mostly descended from the Percheron Toussaint Giroux from Réveillon (Orne).
    91 Leduc 0,16 5 Leduc pioneers are at the origin of the Leduc of Quebec: Antoine (Louvetot), Jean (Igé), Jean-Baptiste (St-Jean-de-Luz), Pierre (Rouen) and René (Brézé).[ 8]
    94 Lambert 0,15 7 pioneers are at the origin of the Lamberts of Quebec; some did not have the surname Lambert like Augustin Hébert dit Jolicoeur, René Hubert and Claude Robillard![9] The Percheron pioneer is Aubin Lambert dit Champagne.

    note : the frequency of a name is the percentage of the population of Quebec that bears that name. Estimate made by l'Institut de la statistique du Québec based on proportions calculated in the corpus of 2.5 million names of parents of children born from 1986 to 2000 applied to the population of 7.6 million estimated in January 2005.
    [1]  DUCHESNE, Louis (2006). Les noms de famille au Quebec : aspects statistiques et distribution spatiale, Institut de la statistique du Québec, 169 p.
    [2]  FORTIN - le Quebec, une histoire de famille
    [3]  BOUCHER - le Quebec, une histoire de famille
    [4]  Association des Fournier d'Amérique
    [5]  LANDRY - le Quebec, une histoire de famille
    [6]  Mercier Association of North America
    [7]  Association des familles Dubois
    [8]  Association des Leduc d'Amérique
    [9]  Association des Lambert d'Amériques Inc. After 31 years of activity, the association was dissolved on December 18, 2022.

    History of emigration to Quebec

    in partnership with the association Perche-Canada

    328 Percheron emigrants

    left France to settle in Quebec in the 17th and 18th centuries
    List updated by in November 2023

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